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What is DM Hub?

1.What is DM Hub

DM Hub, Digital Marketing Hub, is a corporate digital marketing hub. As the core product of Convertlab, it is positioned as an integrated marketing cloud to help companies build a data-driven growth system.

In the age of digitalization, companies adapt to rapidly changing market and customers with fragmented behaviors and individualized needs. Business model is shifting to customer-centric mode. Companies begin to focus on customer experience, and thus make new investments in online/offline communication channels, content marketing, advertising, media, data, and marketing strategies, including system infrastructure, organizations capabilities, etc. These passive or active adaptive actions have brought about the birth of more marketing applications, but each single application only solves business problems in a single dimension and scenario. The data between applications is still fragmented, because there is no integration, data utilization rate is low or even wasted. Therefore, a hub system (product) has become a need. Convertlab's marketing cloud product DM Hub is created to solve this need.

DM Hub (All-in-one Marketing Cloud) includes four functional sections: CDP (Customer Data Platform), MAP (Marketing Automation Platform), CEM (Customer Engagement Management), DAC (Data Analytics Center). Covering comprehensive capabilities in customer data management, content management, strategy, marketing automation and data insight. DM Hub provides the most comprehensive and applicable information solution support for the needs of Chinese traditional enterprises’ in different dimissions such as customer operations, business operations, and digital marketing. The flexible technical architecture and product modules of DM Hub products can easily adapt to the needs enterprises of different types and digitalization stages.


(Main product module of DM Hub)

  • For Leading Companies with Good Data Governance Foundation

With MAP+CEM+DAC combined into product, company’s existing big data platform (DMP, Data Warehouse...) is connected through CDP. Data is synchronized and provided for business application through DM Hub’s standard API. The ability of marketing automation helps companies to achieve business upgrades for data monetization and refined customer operations.

  • For Companies above Industry Waist with Weak Data Bases

Provides all functional suites of DM Hub products. Based on the characteristics of the hub product architecture, it can be quickly integrated with the existing business systems of the enterprise, from data management to data application, building a technology stack that supports the digital strategy, and can well support the enterprise’s access to more system modules within 3-5 years in future.

  • For Companies that Want to Start with Single Point and Try Digital Marketing

The four major functional modules and the smallest functional unit of DM Hub are fully decoupled during design stage and can be flexibly configured to meet a single business scenario of customer insight, data analysis, and marketing content production, or closed-loop operation of a single marketing channel. It can be used as a partial supplement to company's digital system, and a tool to quickly test and verify the closed-loop business value.