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Version: English



DM Hub is a SaaS software, which can log in to the system to obtain services and data without downloading or installing. To ensure product and user experiences, please use latest version of Google Chrome to log in to the system.

Open Google Chrome and enter to log in.

Login username can use phone number or email in account setting. Please pay attention to upper and lower cases if choose to use email for login.


2.Retriving Password

If password was lost, click [Forgot Password] at the login page. Password can be reset by verifying phone number or email.


Fill in phone number or mail address, send verification code and click [Next]


Fill in verification code and reset password, click next to finish password reset and re-login into the system.


3.Account Locked

3.1Account Lock Notice

System will show [Incorrect Username/Password] if wrong login information (Email or phone number) was inputted.


If the wrong credential were used for more than 10 times, system will display Account Locked notice.


If there is a lock prompt, which of the following caused the account lock need to be determined:

  • Caused by wrong username (Email or Phone number).
  • Caused by wrong password

3.2Confirming Cause of Account Lock

Tenant admin may enter [User Management] to check if an account is under lockdown status. Account under lockdown status is shown below, [Locked] will be displayed after user name.


If [Locked] is displayed, the account lock is cause by incorrect password;
if [Locked is not displayed, the account has not been locked, the locked notification is caused by incorrect email or phone number.

3.3Unlocking Account

If the Account has not been locked, please check the login email and phone number. Entering correct login email and phone number can log in to the system.

If account is locked, contact tenant admin to check user type. For normal users, admin can click [unlock] to unlock account; for credit users, contact the admin that granted the user to unlock account.


If tenant admin cannot be reached, contact 400 850 9918 for support.

4.SSO Single Sign On

SSO allows users to log in to different systems without creating account iin different system.
DM hub supports SSO through authentication service provider of oauth2 authentication protocol, such as OKTA. After SSO setting is configured, user identity provided by third party authentication service provider can be used to log in to DM hub.

4.1Configuring SSO in DM Hub

Click [User Management – Single Sign on] in the menu bar and turn on OAuth2 SSO Setting.


Step1: Click edit to configure following information (these information need to be acquired from third-party service provider):


Authorization URICorresponding address for /oauth/authorize on
OAuth 2.0 protocol authorization Server.
Token URICorresponding address for /oauth/token on OAuth
2.0 protocol authorization
User Info URICorresponding address for / userinfo on authorization server.
jwkSet URIOptional: The URI used to retrieve the JSON web key (JWk) from the encryption key of the authorization server, which contains the JSON web signature (JWs) and optional userinfo response used to verify the ID token
ScopeOptional: scope of request during the authorization process, ex. Openid, email, or profile.
Parameters Corresponding to User MailboxOnly email address is supported to use as SSO username, user email need to be filled in here.
client-idOAuth2 Client Id
client-secretOAuth2 Client Secret

4.2Set Up in the Third-Party Login Platform

Fill in the following information to the Authorization Callback URL of the third-party login palatiform after finishing the above settings. Copy the following information from DM Hub.


After completing the above settings, click the button [Start Verification] at the upper right corner to verify that the configuration is correct. According to the operation prompt of the pop-up window, jump to the third-party login platform and log in to the account. It will jump back to the current interface and the pop-up window will show the returned information, if the information is correct, click [Verify Passed] on the interface.


Enter the third-party login platform, input the account password to log in.


After logging in, user will be redirected to the DM Hub page. As shown in the figure below, the user’s mailbox field is successfully matched, and the relevant information has been obtained correctly. Please click [Verify Passed] to indicate that the relevant settings have been successfully completed.


4.3Adding SSO Users to Tenant Through API

After completing configuration, SSO users need to be added to tenant through Open API, then SSO users can log in to DM Hub Tenant.

Open API Reference:pathname:///../api-docs/v2/restapi/user

4.4Log in to DM Hub Through SSO

Click [SSO login] in DM Hub log in page to login through SSO.
