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The order records the important consumption data of the customer's purchase of goods or services. The order data is connected to the DM Hub through bulk upload, API or youzan plug-in to connect with user portraits and interactive data; with the help of order analysis and RFM analysis in the DM Hub analysis center customer spending related analyze report can be generated to help better understand customers’ purchase habits and category preferences.

2.2. Basic Data of Order

No matter which way order data is imported, basic order data, the fields related to the order, must be set before importing data.

Generally, the order information is mainly divided into:

  • Order header (order information): mainly describes the information of the order, payment information, logistics information, receiving information, such as: order number, order time, payment method, shipping method, consignee, receiving address, etc.

  • Order line (product information): Each order may contain multiple products, each product (SKU) is an order line, the order line is mainly the description of the product, such as: product name, product id, SKU ID, category, quantity , brand, unit price, etc.

Note: Both the order header and the order line may contain discount information (such as coupons, discount types), because some discounts are for the entire order, and some are only for a certain product.

The DM Hub system presets the basic fields of some order headers and order lines, as shown in the following table:

DM Hub preset order header fields

Fields NameNecessaryDescription
Sales ChannelYesManually set when importing non-Tmall orders. Only one sales channel can be set for each imported order file, and the uploaded file does not need to contain the value matching this field
Store NameYesWhen importing non-Tmall orders, you need to manually set a unified store name or match the field in the uploaded file; if you select a field in the matching file, the uploaded order file must contain a value that can match the field. Missing field values will cause upload failure
Customer IDYesWhen importing non-Tmall orders, you need to set the identity matching field. The system will find the corresponding customer and customer id through identity matching. The uploaded file does not need to contain a value that matches this field.
Order NumberYesA field that must be matched when importing non-Tmall orders. The uploaded order file must contain a value that can match the field. Missing field values will cause import failure
Order TypeNo
Order TimeYesA field that must be matched when importing non-Tmall orders. The uploaded order file must contain a value that can match the field. Missing field values will cause import failure
Actual Payment AmountYesA field that must be matched when importing non-Tmall orders. The uploaded order file must contain a value that can match this field. Missing field values will cause import failure
Total Order AmountNo
Order DiscountNo
Discount TypeNo
Group Purchase IDNo
Payment MethodNo
Payment NumberNo
Shipment MethodNo
ZIP CodeNo
Consignee NameNo
Consignee PhoneNo
Consignee ProvinceNo
Consignee CityNo
Consignee District/CountyNo
Consignee StreetNo
Consignee Detailed AddressNo
Marketing Campaign CodeNo
Buyer MessageNo
OOrder RemarksNo

DM Hub Preset Order Line Fields

Field NameNecessaryDescription
Order NumberYesThe order line and order header are matched through this field, a field that must be matched when importing non-Tmall orders, missing field values will cause upload failure
Order Line IDYesThe unique identification field of the order line under the order. It is not necessary to match this field when importing non-Tmall orders. The system will use product ID as order line id
Product NameYesA field that must be matched when importing non-Tmall orders. The uploaded order file must contain a value that can match the field. Missing field values will cause import failure
Product IDYesA field that must be matched when importing non-Tmall orders. The uploaded order file must contain a value that can match this field. Missing field values will cause import failure.
Unit PriceNo
Offer TypeNo
Actual Payment Amount for Group PurchaseNo
Total AmountNo

Different sales channels and different industries may have different order fields. In order to access complete order data, DM Hub supports setting custom order fields. The number of custom order headers and order line fields is limited to 20 String type fields; 10 Double type fields; 10 Date/Datetime type fields.

Click [Settings Center-Basic Data-Order] to enter the order setting page, and user can view the order header and order line fields preset by the system.

DM Hub预设订单头和订单行字段

Click [New] to add a custom order header or order line field, as shown in the figure, select the type of field, set the field name and id (starting with "c_" by default), and user can import the order after finishing setting and select whether to import fields when importing, and match the corresponding field in the uploaded order file.


Click [Display Settings] to set the fields and display order of the order column in the customer details page.


After setting the basic order data, user can starts importing order. DM Hub supports three ways to import orders: manual batch import, API import, and youzan plug-in docking. Please note: DM Hub does not currently support order status management, so it is recommended to import orders with paid or completed status, including orders with successful transactions, cancelled or returned orders, to ensure the accuracy of order statistical analysis.