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Merchant Center

Connecting Wechat merchant account to DM Hub allows to manage WeChat Pay merchants' vouchers, WeChat red packet, goods and orders, supports recording Wechat vouchers and WeChat red packet issuance events, and embedding merchandise and payment modules in Wechat pages to achieve purchase conversion.

1.Access to Merchant Account

Before using the DM Hub Wechat Merchant Account function, please make sure that you have connected the merchant account to DM Hub. Refer to Setting up Center-Marketing Contact- Wechat Merchant Account .

2. Voucher

Wechat Voucheris one of the basic marketing tools that WeChat Pay provides for merchants.

Merchants can customize the rules of each activity to carry out marketing activities, and the activity funds shall be deducted from the merchant's recharge or order amount.

After the voucher is created and activated on the Wechat merchant platform, the voucher can be synchronized to the DM Hub system, and the voucher can be issued in Wechat page and workflow.

To activate the voucher function, please refer to WeChat Pay official documents opening pre-recharged vouchersopening charge-free vouchers

2.1 Create voucher

On the DM Hub [Interaction- Wechat Official Account-Merchant Account-Voucher Management] page, click [New] at the top right, enter the voucher batch number and coupon ID,click [Save] and you will see the voucher in the list.

On the DM Hub [Interaction- Wechat Official Account-Merchant Account-Voucher Management] page, click [New] at the top right, enter the voucher batch number and coupon ID,click [Save] and you will see the voucher in the list.

2.2 issue vouchers

  • Issuing vouchers through Wechat pages:select [Coupon] module when editing Wechat pages, select Wechat merchant vouchers, select voucher batches, and set pop-up messages or pictures when users successfully get coupons. Users can get the voucher by clicking on Wechat page.


  • Issue vouchers in workflow:Add the action Send Wechat Vouchers in workflow allows you to issue vouchers to users who enter the process.


Vouchers sent through DM Hub support to record issuance, collection and redemption of vouchers.

In [Advanced Filter-Customer Events-Wechat Events], you can select "issue Wechat vouchers", "collect Wechat vouchers" and "redeem Wechat vouchers" to filter voucher-related events.


3. WeChat Red Packet

3.1 Create WeChat Red Packet

WeChat Red Packet is one of the commonly used interactive ways in user operation and marketing activities, which can be used to stimulate new customers and enhance the return rate of old customers, increase the interaction, and improve user stickiness. On DM Hub [Interaction-Wechat Official Account-Merchant Account-WeChat Red Packet] page, click [New] to create a red packet.



Wechat voucher batches and coupon ID can be viewed on WeChat Pay Merchant Platform.

Vouchers in the Merchant Account and vouchers in the Wechat Coupon are different. After users receiving the voucher in Wechat Coupon, it will be stored in WeChat Cards & Offers,which can be scanned and self-redeemed. Users receive the voucher in Merchant Account, and the actual payment amount is the total amount of the order minus the voucher amount when payment is finished by using WeChat Pay automatic redemption voucher.

3.2Issue vouchers

  • Issuing vouchers through Wechat pages: select [Coupon] module when editing Wechat pages, select Wechat merchant vouchers, select voucher batches, and set pop-up messages or pictures when users successfully get coupons. Users can get the voucher by clicking on Wechat page.


  • Issue vouchers in workflow: Add the action Send Wechat Vouchers in workflow allows you to issue vouchers to users who enter the process.


Vouchers sent through DM Hub support to record issuance, collection and redemption of vouchers.

In [Advanced Filter-Customer Events-Wechat Events], you can select "issue Wechat vouchers", "collect Wechat vouchers" and "redeem Wechat vouchers" to filter voucher-related events.


4.WeChat Red Packet

4.1Create WeChat Red Packet

WeChat Red Packet is one of the commonly used interactive ways in user operation and marketing activities, which can be used to stimulate new customers and enhance the return rate of old customers, increase the interaction, and improve user stickiness.

On DM Hub [Interaction-Wechat Official Account-Merchant Account-WeChat Red Packet] page, click [New] to create a red packet.



The settings for creating red packets are as follows:

  • Red packet name: used for query and identification in DM Hub, not displayed to customers.

  • Related marketing activities: After associated marketing activities, you can view the data of related red packets in the marketing campaign display board, and you can also check customers related to red packet events through the marketing campaign dimension in the Advanced Filter and Analysis Center.

  • Activity name: the name of the activity that sent the red packet, such as "Red packet for guessing riddles".

  • Merchant account: : select the merchant account that sends red packets.

  • Merchant name: the name of the merchant who sent the red packet, which is displayed as "xxxx" in the red packet opened by the user.

  • Red packet amount: you can choose random red packet or fixed amount, set random amount or fixed amount.

Whether it is a random red packet or a fixed amount red packet, red packets with an amount of less than 1 yuan need to apply for the permission of small red packets at the backend of WeChat Pay Merchant Platform, otherwise they will fail.


  • Blessing message: a blessing message displayed to the customer.

  • Remarks: not required, not displayed to customers.

  • Issue settings: you can set the total limit on the account of red packets, the total amount limit, the daily limit on the account of red packets, the daily amount limit.


  • Enable failure notification: if ticked, you can send a notification to customers who fail to issue red packets due to the quota. You can notify customers through template messages or SMS messages, such as: "you are late, the red packets have been sent out!"

Click [OK] after setting up and return to the WeChat red packet list page to view the created red packets. Card view and list view are supported.

You can view the account and amount of red packets issued on the list page, and modify or delete red packets.


3.2 Issue WeChat red packet

  • issue WeChat red packet in workflow:add the action “send WeChat red packet” in the workflow, which can send WeChat red packet to users who enter the workflow.


  • end red packets in the Luck Draw:in the DM Hub marketing app Luck Draw, the prize can be set to WeChat red packet, and a red packet will be sent if you win the prize.


  • Set the post-submission action in the form and select the send red packet action. Set to send a red packet after the user submits the form (in the Wechat page).

3.2Issue WeChat red packet

  • Issue vouchers in workflow: add the action “send WeChat red packet” in the workflow, which can send WeChat red packet to users who enter the workflow.


  • Send red packets in the Luck Draw: in the DM Hub marketing app Luck Draw, the prize can be set to WeChat red packet, and a red packet will be sent if you win the prize.


  • Set the post-submission action in the form and select the send red packet action. Set to send a red packet after the user submits the form (in the Wechat page).


For customers who have followed the official account, WeChat red packet will send it through the Wechat official account dialog box; for those customers who do not follow the official account, WeChat red packet will send it through the service notification dialog box.

WeChat red packet issued through DM Hub supports to record the event of issuing red packets.

In [Advanced Filter-Customer Events-Wechat Events], you can select the "issue WeChat red packet" event query to filter customers.


4. Product Management

In the Wechat page of DM Hub, the product and payment module can be inserted directly, and the user can buy the goods and complete the payment in the Wechat page.

When using this function in Wechat page,you need to carry on the product management first.

4.1 Add goods

You can see a list of existing products on the [Interaction-Wechat official account-Merchant Account-Product Management] page. Click the [New] button at the top right to add products.

Upload a picture of the product and set the product name, introduction, label, price and account (the product scheme rule is customized).


4.2 Application of goods

After the products are added, select the [product] module when editing the Wechat pages, set the associated goods, and add the [product payment] module. Customers can visit the Wechat pages to buy goods and pay for them.


5. Order Management

On the [Interaction-Wechat Official Account-Merchant Account-Order Management] page, you can view orders for existing products and export order data.

The order management placed by the Merchant Account only includes orders completed for the purchase of merchandise from the Merchant Account and does not include orders connected to the DM Hub through other ways.

In the search bar, you can search for an order by using the user's mobile phone account, product account or setting the creation time of the order. Click [Export] at the top right to export the order data.